
Green Country

Green Country, sometimes referred to as Northeast Oklahoma, is the northeastern portion of the U.S. state of , which lies west of the northern half of , the southwestern corner the way of , and south of .
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Photo: Wikimedia, CC0.

Popular Destinations

is the "Oil Capital of the World." Situated between the prairies of central Oklahoma and the foothills of the Ozarks, is located in the Green Country region of .

Photo: Jmac101, Public domain.
is a city in the Green Country region of about 15 miles southeast of .

is a city in , located at the foothills of the Ozark Mountains.


is in Green Country north of .

is a city of 13,000 people in the Green Country region of on old US Route 66.

is the 13th-largest city in and is the county seat of .

is a city in, and the county seat of, , , United States, and is part of the Tulsa Metropolitan Area.

is in the Green Country region of .

is in the Green Country region of , a conservative little town that sounds like Sebulba from Star Wars if you say it fast.

is a city of 39,000 people in the Green Country region of .

Photo: DBinfo, Public domain.
is a city of 3,400 people in the Green Country region of .

is a city in and counties in the U.S. state of , and is a suburb of .

Photo: Calvin Beale, Public domain.
is a city in the Green Country in .

is a city and county seat of , , United States.

is a city in , and counties in the U.S. state of .

is in the Green Country region of . Jenks' landscape is very similar to 's which is green with lots of trees and hills.

is a city and county seat of , , United States.

is in the Green Country region of and the county seat for Sequoyah County.

Creek or is a city in and county seat of , , United States.

is a town in the Green Country area of Oklahoma, named after a Creek Nation chief.

is a city in Green Country, , on historic Route 66.

is in the Green Country region of . The coal fields have played out.

is in the Green Country region of . With Grand Lake o' The Cherokees at its doorstep, it's a retiree's and fisherman's haven.

is a city in , United States, a suburb of Tulsa.

is a city in , , United States.

is a town in Green Country . It was founded in 1796 and is the oldest permanent settlement in Oklahoma.

is a small town in the Green Country Region in .

is in Green Country and in the 2010 Census had a population of 333.

is a city, as of March 2024, in , , United States.

is a town in the Green Country Region of , dating from 1824.

is a city in and counties in the U.S. state of located in the northeastern part of the state, approximately 20 miles north and west of .

is a town in , , United States.

Green Country

Latitude of centre
36.5° or 36° 30' north
Longitude of centre
-95.5° or 95° 30' west
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Green Country Satellite Map

Green Country Satellite Map
© OpenStreetMap, Mapbox and Maxar

Also Known As

  • Chinese: 綠色國家
  • Chinese: 绿色国家
  • English: Northeast Oklahoma
  • English: Northeastern Oklahoma
  • Italian: Green Country
  • Japanese: グリーン・カウンティ
  • Japanese: グリーン郡

Popular Destinations in Oklahoma

Discover Oklahoma City, Norman, Lawton and Shawnee.

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About Mapcarta. Thanks to Mapbox for providing amazing maps. Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, excluding photos, directions and the map. Description text is based on the Wikipdia page Green Country. Photo: Wikimedia, CC0.