
About Mapcarta

Explore the world with Mapcarta, the open map. Discover open knowledge from OpenStreetMap, Wikipedia and more. Your world is without borders.


Please make edits directly with our open data sources. Your changes should appear on Mapcarta in a few weeks.
Thanks for contributing to our open data sources.

Thank You

Thanks to all of the contributors to OpenStreetMap, Wikidata, GeoNames, Wikimedia Commons, Wikipedia, Wikivoyage, Who's On First, OpenAddresses, Pelias, Valhalla, OpenRouteService, OpenMapTiles and MapLibre.
Thanks to Mapbox for providing amazing maps. Thanks as well to Geocode Earth and Geoapify.

Our Mission

Mapcarta's purpose is to help you find any place, and get a map, directions and a guide, using open knowledge. Our goal is to help advance a future where maps and places data are open.

Maps Made Open

Maps and information about places should be open. Yet the data you share with big tech monopolies becomes their private property, a donation to billionaires.
Mapcarta is based on open knowledge, including open data and Creative Commons information. The knowledge you contribute to our sources such as OpenStreetMap and Wikidata is shared freely with everyone.

People Power

Mapcarta is a 100% independent and self-sustainable project.


Yes you may reuse images of Mapcarta road and terrain maps for any purpose, after all Mapcarta is an open map. Per the terms of OpenStreetMap you should include the text "© OpenStreetMap, Mapbox and Mapcarta" on or next to the map. For the photo map view, each photograph also has its own terms. Sorry satellite maps can't be reused.
You can get a map image either by taking a screenshot, or by tapping on the "i" icon on the bottom left of the map followed by the "Map image" link.

Mapcarta App?

Mapcarta does not have a native mobile app. We recommend the excellent OpenStreetMap app Organic Maps. It's free, open source and private, and it even works offline.
Tap on the
map to travel

Privacy Policy

This site uses cookies in order to show ads from Clicktripz and Google. We track anonymised usage of this site with Google Analytics cookies. See Clicktripz's and Google's terms of service.

Escape to a Random Place

Thanks to Mapbox for providing amazing maps. Data © OpenStreetMap contributors and available under the Open Database License. Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, excluding photos, directions and the map. Photo: Boboseiptu, CC BY-SA 3.0.